25-11-2005 This is a pre-invitation.

Dear MTB-O Rider
April 7th-11th 2006 (first part of Easter) there is going to be an MTB-O camp on Bornholm.
All people with interest in MTB-O are welcome to join, but main focus will be on elite riders who hope to participate at WOC in Finland and EOC in Poland 2006. Participants of Nordic Championships 2007 (regular orienteering) are not allowed, since we will be riding in some areas that will be used in NOC2007.
The schedule for the camp is not done yet, but we have already been granted access to the forests by the State forest authority.
There will be 2 trainings each day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. There will also be technical and theoretical workshops as for example: difficult up and downs, nonstop-punching technique, international rules, maps of WOC and EOC, tools, adjust-your-bike session and discussions.
Courselengths will in general be about 15 km, except for the camp-championship which will be 30 km. All trainings and activities are volauntary.
Besides all that training we also want this to be a enjoyable camp so bring some beer and wine and we will be social at night.
We will be living at a hostel and get served breakfast, lunch and dinner.

The price will be about 130 euros or 950 dkr.
4 nights stay, food and maps are included in this price.

Where is Bornholm and how do I get there: Bornholm is the most eastern island of Denmark. It is about 700 sq.km and has 10.000 ha of forests. Ferries leave from Denmark, Sweden and Germany. You can also fly to Rønne from Copenhagen.
Tourist information Bornholm.
If you want to spend the rest of easter competing orienteering I recommend the annual Danish Easter 3-day which has 1500 competitors and this year is held in some great terrains on Rømø April 13th-15th.

If this has caught your interest I would suggest you take a look at MTB-O CAMP 2006 website where you can check out latest news and who already signed up. If you want to be sure of a spot in the camp write me a mail as soon as possible. The registration is not binding at this moment. There is at this time only 50 spots available at the hostel and many has signed up.

Johan H Jacobsen
OK Øst Birkerød, MTB-O group
